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Psychological Practice

I am a licensed psychologist in New York and New Jersey with over three and a half decades of experience counseling individuals, couples, and groups with life adjustment and relationship issues and sexually compulsive and addictive disorders.  My work is inclusive of all races, ethnicities, gender identifications and sexual orientations.  I earned the PhD from New York University and the CSAT (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist) from IITAP (International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals).  International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals 


  • Patrick Carnes, PhD, the Pioneer in Sex Addiction Treatment
  • Ken Adams, PhD (Emotional Enmeshment, Assessment of Sexual Addiction)
  • Alexandra Katehakis, PhD, LMFT (Sex Therapy)


  • I have taught courses and run workshops on men’s issues, and developed the Breathing in the Face of Fear Workshop series.
  • In the 1980s, I conducted Scared Sexless - a series of workshops for men and women coping with the unknowns of the early AIDS epidemic.
  • The weekly Intimacy Challenge Workshop Series for Men in Sexual Recovery addresses Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) as avoidance of emotional closeness and within this small group setting, the tools to change unwanted behaviors are developed and implemented.

Interview Topics

As a Media Psychologist, I have been interviewed in print and on television on various topics.


  • New York State Psychological Association
  • National Register for Health Service Providers in Psychology
  • International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals


As a poet, painter, and glassblower, creativity and artistic expression are the venues in which I am most intimate with myself. Also, the mindfulness techniques that I implement in my therapeutic work are incorporated into my writing and acting for film.

Photos on this site by Robert Axel-

Paintings by Robert and Robin Axel.

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